Thursday, March 31, 2011

Creative fixing

First fix-it job done, and I'm so pleased with myself I thought I'd share it straight away.
I have a few tops that my Kinderboy has chewed the cuffs of (we bought extra large ones and sewed across the bottom of the left sleeve to create a mitten to try and stop him sucking his thumb in his sleep!!).  They're too small to use for the intended purpose, and but for the holes in the cuffs are in perfect condition.  They are also size 4, and will last for this winter and next (hopefully).
I've been thinking about this repair job for a while, and last night dug out some helicopter flanellette that I've had for ages - perfect colour match!  I cut off the offending cuffs, replaced them with helicopter ones, then made a decoration for the front to make the cuffs look more deliberate rather than a 'mum-fix'.  I used Vliesofix to stick everything down, but decided that a slightly frayed look around the edges was OK after a wash or two, so used straight stitches around the edges.

Topstiching's a bit dodgy, as the old Singer wasn't too keen on the added layers of fabric where I overlapped the ends of the cuffs (I have the Bernina back, but can't bring myself to put the old girl away just yet, which may also be another reason for the straight stitching on the decoration), but otherwise I'm impressed with myself.

Oh, and I'm assuming that the grey-lead around the circle (I traced around a 20c coin) will come off in the first wash!

1 comment:

  1. Cool Mummy idea :) You took way more time on the decorative part than I would have - kudos to you! :)


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